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Second woman claims she too was sexually assaulted on OC Transpo bus

Media Date: 15/03/2013
Type of Media: tv
Name of Media: CTV Ottawa

Interviewer: Joanne Schnurr

Interviewee: Julie S. Lalonde Role: Director for Hollaback! Ottawa

Article Information

Background There were more reports of sexual assaults and harassment on public transit.
Reason Because of our work approaching City Hall and OC Transpo in early 2013, Hollaback! Ottawa was asked to respond to the various incidents and what we felt the City and transit riders should do.
Comment It was great to get the word out about the prevalence of these assaults and ways in which people can make a difference.
Outcome Getting the story out in as many mediums as possible is always great.
Link to Article


Keywords: Hollaback Ottawa, sexual harassment, OC Transpo